Thanks to our partner, FANLAP, for hosting our May campaign!
Baja Dogs Sterilizations continued to bring free pet sterilization campaigns to underserved communities in La Paz, BCS, Mexico throughout the month of May. Thirty-four dogs were sterilized in 2 separate mini campaigns held in local residents' homes. We also held our main monthly campaign in partnership with FANLAP, andwhere 3 cats and 42 dogs were sterilized at their facility. In addition, 47 in-office sterilization vouchers were redeemed at our veterinary partner offices, bringing our total for May to 126 pets sterilized. As always, a big thank you to all of our volunteers and veterinary partners, and to FANLAP, who help make these campaigns possible.
Thanks to all of our loyal supporters, we have sterilized 814 pets this year so far, bringing our total number of pets sterilized to 5,587 pets to date! Watch the video below to see pictures from our latest campaign. We are a 100% volunteer organization and rely 100% on donations to keep our sterilization campaigns going. To help us continue the mission, please consider making a monthly donation.