Baja Dogs Sterilizations continues to bring free pet sterilization campaigns to underserved neighborhoods throughout La Paz, BCS, MX. In August, a total of 130 dogs were sterilized. We held one large campaign and 2 "mini" campaigns throughout the month, sterilizing 102 dogs in the process. During the hot summer months, our dedicated volunteer, Karla Ramirez, and her husband Jose Oscar Martinez Burgos, donated the use of their Salon Gastronomicos so that our campaigns can be held indoors with air conditioning.
In addition to our regular campaigns, we provide vouchers for in-office surgeries to those who are unable to have their dogs sterilized on the day of our campaign. In August, an additional 28 vouchers for in-office surgeries were redeemed.
Watch the video below to see a slideshow of pictures from our August campaigns:
Our mini-campaigns are a critical component of Baja Dogs' sterilization services. We travel with our veterinary partners to remote homes and ranches that have multiple pets - often a dozen or more - living on the property. While we are there, we often offer to sterilize surrounding neighbor dogs as well. For example, on August 5, we sterilized 25 dogs in one mini-campaign. On Aug 26th, we traveled to another home where 19 more dogs were sterilized.
These local residents are typically unable to attend our larger campaigns, as they have no means to transport so many animals. Our mini-campaigns address this need, ensuring we sterilize as many dogs as possible each month.
Just $25 USD pays for one sterilization surgery. Baja Dogs Sterilizations is an all-volunteer organization, and 100% of funds are used to support our sterilization campaigns. To donate, visit: