Over 6,000 pets sterilized to date!
Baja Dogs Sterilizations continued to bring free pet sterilization campaigns to La Paz area residents in September, with 137 sterilizations completed. We held two mini campaigns at local residents' homes, where we sterilized 31 pets. Another 50 pets were sterilized in our main campaign. The campaign was held at an elementary school in the Camino Real neighborhood, which graciously opened two of their air conditioned large classrooms for us to use. One room was used for the waiting area, and the other for surgery and recovery. In addition to the campaigns, another 56 vouchers were redeemed for in-office sterilizations at our participating veterinary partners'offices.
Year to date, we have completed 1,355 sterilizations and our running total is 6,128 sterilizations completed to date. To help us continue this important work, please consider making a monthly donation. Just $30 USD sterilizes one dog, and helps us prevent generations of unwanted puppies being born.