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141 Pets Sterilized in August Campaigns

Despite scorching temperatures, Baja Dogs Sterilizations continued to bring free sterilization campaigns to underserved neighborhoods in La Paz, with 141 pets sterilized throughout August. As we noted in last month's post, we switched our focus this month to holding several "mini campaigns" instead of one large one, because we were not able to secure an indoor location with A/C. That did not stop us from getting our work done.


Mini campaigns are organized by local community volunteers and typically held in a local volunteer or resident's home. As a result, we completed 73 sterilizations in 4 mini campaigns. In addition, 68 vouchers for free in-office surgeries were redeemed, bringing our year to date total to 1,218 pets sterilized, with a running total of 5,991 sterilizations completed. Yes, that means we are nearing a total of 6,000 sterilizations completed to date, a number we expect to exceed next month!

It costs $30 USD to sterilize a single pet, and we are especially grateful to our monthly donors who contribute and help us to better plan our campaign budgets. Please consider making your monthly donation today, every donation no matter how small ads up to making a big difference! You can donate here.

You can see a slideshow with pics from our August campaigns here:

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